pyqpanda.Visualization.pi_check 源代码

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# This code is part of PyQpanda.
# (C) Copyright Origin Quantum 2018-2024\n
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"""Check if number close to values of PI

import numpy as np
from .parameterexpression import *
from .exceptions import *

N, D = np.meshgrid(np.arange(1, 9), np.arange(1, 9))
FRAC_MESH = N / D * np.pi

[文档] def pi_check(inpt, eps=1e-6, output='text', ndigits=5): """ Determines if a given number is nearly an integer multiple or fraction of π. Provides a string representation based on the specified output format. Args: inpt (float): The number to be checked. eps (float): The tolerance for comparison, defaulting to 1e-6. output (str): The format of the output. Options are 'text', 'latex', 'mpl', 'qasm'. ndigits (int): The number of significant digits to display in the output, if applicable. Returns: str: A string that represents whether the input is close to an integer multiple or fraction of π. Raises: ValueError: If the input is not a number or a valid string representation of a number. TypeError: If an invalid type is passed to the function. QError: If the output format is not one of the supported options ('text', 'latex', 'mpl', 'qasm'). """ if isinstance(inpt, ParameterExpression): try: return pi_check(float(inpt), eps=eps, output=output, ndigits=ndigits) except (ValueError, TypeError): return str(inpt) elif isinstance(inpt, str): return inpt def normalize(single_inpt): if abs(single_inpt) < 1e-14: return '0' val = single_inpt / np.pi if output in ['text', 'qasm']: pi = 'pi' elif output == 'latex': pi = '\\pi' elif output == 'mpl': pi = '$\\pi$' else: raise QError('pi_check parameter output should be text, ' 'latex, mpl, or qasm.') if abs(val) >= 1 - eps: if abs(abs(val) - abs(round(val))) < eps: val = int(round(val)) if val == 1: str_out = '{}'.format(pi) elif val == -1: str_out = '-{}'.format(pi) else: str_out = '{}{}'.format(val, pi) return str_out val = np.pi / single_inpt if abs(abs(val) - abs(round(val))) < eps: val = int(round(val)) if val > 0: if output == 'latex': str_out = '\\frac{%s}{%s}' % (pi, abs(val)) else: str_out = '{}/{}'.format(pi, val) else: if output == 'latex': str_out = '\\frac{-%s}{%s}' % (pi, abs(val)) else: str_out = '-{}/{}'.format(pi, abs(val)) return str_out # Look for all fracs in 8 abs_val = abs(single_inpt) frac = np.where(np.abs(abs_val - FRAC_MESH) < 1e-8) if frac[0].shape[0]: numer = int(frac[1][0]) + 1 denom = int(frac[0][0]) + 1 if single_inpt < 0: numer *= -1 if numer == 1 and denom == 1: str_out = '{}'.format(pi) elif numer == -1 and denom == 1: str_out = '-{}'.format(pi) elif numer == 1: if output == 'latex': str_out = '\\frac{%s}{%s}' % (pi, denom) else: str_out = '{}/{}'.format(pi, denom) elif numer == -1: if output == 'latex': str_out = '\\frac{-%s}{%s}' % (pi, denom) else: str_out = '-{}/{}'.format(pi, denom) elif denom == 1: if output == 'latex': str_out = '\\frac{%s}{%s}' % (numer, pi) else: str_out = '{}/{}'.format(numer, pi) else: if output == 'latex': str_out = '\\frac{%s%s}{%s}' % (numer, pi, denom) elif output == 'qasm': str_out = '{}*{}/{}'.format(numer, pi, denom) else: str_out = '{}{}/{}'.format(numer, pi, denom) return str_out # nothing found str_out = '%.{}g'.format(ndigits) % single_inpt return str_out complex_inpt = complex(inpt) real, imag = map(normalize, [complex_inpt.real, complex_inpt.imag]) if real == '0' and imag != '0': return imag + 'j' elif real != 0 and imag != '0': return '{}+{}j'.format(real, imag) return real