# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of PyQpanda.
# (C) Copyright Origin Quantum 2018-2024\n
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ParameterExpression Class to enable creating simple expressions of Parameters.
import numbers
import operator
import numpy
from .exceptions import *
class ParameterExpression():
"""ParameterExpression class to enable creating expressions of Parameters."""
def __init__(self, symbol_map, expr):
"""Create a new ParameterExpression.
Not intended to be called directly, but to be instantiated via operations
on other Parameter or ParameterExpression objects.
symbol_map (dict):
Mapping of Parameter instances to the sympy.Symbol
serving as their placeholder in expr.
expr (sympy.Expr):
Expression of sympy.Symbols.
self._parameter_symbols = symbol_map
self._symbol_expr = expr
def parameters(self):
"""Returns a set of the unbound Parameters in the expression."""
return set(self._parameter_symbols.keys())
def bind(self, parameter_values):
"""Binds the provided set of parameters to their corresponding values.
parameter_values (dict):
Mapping of Parameter instances to the
numeric value to which they will be bound.
If parameter_values contains Parameters outside those in self.
If a non-numeric value is passed in parameter_values.
If binding the provided values requires division by zero.
a new expression parameterized by any parameters
which were not bound by parameter_values.
symbol_values = {self._parameter_symbols[parameter]: value
for parameter, value in parameter_values.items()}
bound_symbol_expr = self._symbol_expr.subs(symbol_values)
# Don't use sympy.free_symbols to count remaining parameters here.
# sympy will in some cases reduce the expression and remove even
# unbound symbols.
# e.g. (sympy.Symbol('s') * 0).free_symbols == set()
free_parameters = self.parameters - parameter_values.keys()
free_parameter_symbols = {p: s for p, s in self._parameter_symbols.items()
if p in free_parameters}
if bound_symbol_expr.is_infinite:
raise ZeroDivisionError('Binding provided for expression '
'results in division by zero '
'(Expression: {}, Bindings: {}).'.format(
self, parameter_values))
return ParameterExpression(free_parameter_symbols, bound_symbol_expr)
def subs(self, parameter_map):
"""Returns a new Expression with replacement Parameters.
parameter_map (dict):
Mapping from Parameters in self to the
Parameter instances with which they should be
If parameter_map contains Parameters outside those in self.
If the replacement Parameters in parameter_map would result in
a name conflict in the generated expression.
ParameterExpression: a new expression with the specified parameters
from sympy import Symbol
new_parameter_symbols = {p: Symbol(p.name)
for p in parameter_map.values()}
# Include existing parameters in self not set to be replaced.
new_parameter_symbols.update({p: s
for p, s in self._parameter_symbols.items()
if p not in parameter_map})
symbol_map = {
self._parameter_symbols[old_param]: new_parameter_symbols[new_param]
for old_param, new_param in parameter_map.items()
substituted_symbol_expr = self._symbol_expr.subs(symbol_map)
return ParameterExpression(new_parameter_symbols, substituted_symbol_expr)
def _raise_if_passed_unknown_parameters(self, parameters):
unknown_parameters = parameters - self.parameters
if unknown_parameters:
raise CircuitError('Cannot bind Parameters ({}) not present in '
'expression.'.format([str(p) for p in unknown_parameters]))
def _raise_if_passed_non_real_value(self, parameter_values):
nonreal_parameter_values = {p: v for p, v in parameter_values.items()
if not isinstance(v, numbers.Real)}
if nonreal_parameter_values:
raise CircuitError('Expression cannot bind non-real or non-numeric '
'values ({}).'.format(nonreal_parameter_values))
def _raise_if_parameter_names_conflict(self, inbound_parameters, outbound_parameters=None):
if outbound_parameters is None:
outbound_parameters = set()
self_names = {p.name: p for p in self.parameters}
inbound_names = {p.name: p for p in inbound_parameters}
outbound_names = {p.name: p for p in outbound_parameters}
shared_names = (self_names.keys() - outbound_names.keys()) & inbound_names.keys()
conflicting_names = {name for name in shared_names
if self_names[name] != inbound_names[name]}
if conflicting_names:
raise CircuitError('Name conflict applying operation for parameters: '
def _apply_operation(self, operation, other, reflected=False):
"""Base method implementing math operations between Parameters and
either a constant or a second ParameterExpression.
operation (function):
One of operator.{add,sub,mul,truediv}.
other (Parameter or numbers.Real):
The second argument to be used
with self in operation.
reflected (bool):
Optional - The default ordering is
"self operator other". If reflected is True, this is switched
to "other operator self". For use in e.g. __radd__, ...
If parameter_map contains Parameters outside those in self.
If the replacement Parameters in parameter_map would result in
a name conflict in the generated expression.
a new expression describing the result of the
self_expr = self._symbol_expr
if isinstance(other, ParameterExpression):
parameter_symbols = {**self._parameter_symbols, **other._parameter_symbols}
other_expr = other._symbol_expr
elif isinstance(other, numbers.Real) and numpy.isfinite(other):
parameter_symbols = self._parameter_symbols.copy()
other_expr = other
return NotImplemented
if reflected:
expr = operation(other_expr, self_expr)
expr = operation(self_expr, other_expr)
return ParameterExpression(parameter_symbols, expr)
def __add__(self, other):
return self._apply_operation(operator.add, other)
def __radd__(self, other):
return self._apply_operation(operator.add, other, reflected=True)
def __sub__(self, other):
return self._apply_operation(operator.sub, other)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return self._apply_operation(operator.sub, other, reflected=True)
def __mul__(self, other):
return self._apply_operation(operator.mul, other)
def __neg__(self):
return self._apply_operation(operator.mul, -1.0)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return self._apply_operation(operator.mul, other, reflected=True)
def __truediv__(self, other):
if other == 0:
raise ZeroDivisionError('Division of a ParameterExpression by zero.')
return self._apply_operation(operator.truediv, other)
def __rtruediv__(self, other):
return self._apply_operation(operator.truediv, other, reflected=True)
def __repr__(self):
return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
def __str__(self):
return str(self._symbol_expr)
def __float__(self):
if self.parameters:
raise TypeError('ParameterExpression with unbound parameters ({}) '
'cannot be cast to a float.'.format(self.parameters))
return float(self._symbol_expr)
def __copy__(self):
return self
def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
return self
def __eq__(self, other):
from sympy import srepr
return (isinstance(other, ParameterExpression)
and self.parameters == other.parameters
and srepr(self._symbol_expr) == srepr(other._symbol_expr))