pyqpanda.Visualization.matplotlib_draw 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This code is part of PyQpanda.
# (C) Copyright Origin Quantum 2018-2024.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.

"""circuit visualization backend."""

import collections
import fractions
import itertools
import logging
import math

import numpy as np
from .circuit_style import *
from pyqpanda.pyQPanda import GateType
from pyqpanda.pyQPanda import NodeType

    from matplotlib import get_backend
    from matplotlib import patches
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
except ImportError:

from .pi_check import *

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

WID = 0.65
HIG = 0.65

my_qubit = 'qubit'
my_cbit = 'cbit'

[文档] class Anchor: def __init__(self, reg_num, yind, fold): self.__yind = yind #self.__fold = fold self.__fold = 0.0 self.__reg_num = reg_num self.__gate_placed = []
[文档] self.gate_anchor = 0
[文档] self.b_fold = False
[文档] self.last_h_pos = 0.0
[文档] self.max_x_pos = fold
self.__flod_cnt = 0
[文档] def get_fold_info(self): return self.__fold, self.__flod_cnt
[文档] def set_fold_info(self, target_fold, fold_cnt): self.__fold = target_fold self.__flod_cnt = fold_cnt
[文档] def update_fold_info(self, index, gate_width, x_offset, layer_offset): tmp_x_pos = index - self.__fold + 1 + 0.5 * \ (gate_width - 1) + x_offset + layer_offset if tmp_x_pos > self.max_x_pos: #self.b_fold = True self.__fold = index self.__flod_cnt += 1
# else: # self.b_fold = False
[文档] def plot_coord(self, index, gate_width, x_offset, layer_offset, last_h_pos): test_x_pos = index - self.__fold + 1 + 0.5 * \ (gate_width - 1) + x_offset + layer_offset h_pos = index - self.__fold + 1 # if self.__fold == h_pos: # if last_h_pos > (h_pos + gate_width * 3): if test_x_pos > self.max_x_pos: self.b_fold = True self.__fold = index self.__flod_cnt += 1 # if last_h_pos > h_pos: # self.b_fold = True # check folding # if self.__fold > 0: if True: # test_pos = index % self.__fold + 1 + 0.5 * ((2 * gate_width) - 1) + x_offset # if test_pos > 29: # if h_pos + (gate_width - 1) > self.__fold: # if last_h_pos > (h_pos + gate_width * 3): if self.b_fold: # if self.b_fold: # index += self.__fold - (h_pos - 1) tmp_offset = x_offset else: tmp_offset = x_offset + layer_offset x_pos = index - self.__fold + 1 + 0.5 * (gate_width - 1) #y_pos = self.__yind - (index // self.__fold) * (self.__reg_num + 1) y_pos = self.__yind - (self.__flod_cnt) * (self.__reg_num + 1) else: x_pos = index + 1 + 0.5 * (gate_width - 1) y_pos = self.__yind # could have been updated, so need to store self.gate_anchor = index # self.last_h_pos = h_pos return x_pos + tmp_offset, y_pos
[文档] def is_locatable(self, index, gate_width): hold = [index + i for i in range(gate_width)] for p in hold: if p in self.__gate_placed: return False return True
[文档] def set_index(self, index, gate_width): # h_pos = index - self.__fold + 1 # if h_pos + (gate_width - 1) > self.__fold: # _index = index + self.__fold - (h_pos - 1) # else: _index = index #_index = index - self.__fold for ii in range(math.floor(gate_width)): if _index + ii not in self.__gate_placed: self.__gate_placed.append(_index + ii) self.__gate_placed.sort()
[文档] def get_index(self): if self.__gate_placed: return self.__gate_placed[-1] + 1 return 0
[文档] class MatplotlibDrawer: def __init__(self, qregs, cregs, ops, scale=1.0, style=None, plot_barriers=True, reverse_bits=False, layout=None, fold=25, ax=None): if not HAS_MATPLOTLIB: raise ImportError('The class MatplotlibDrawer needs matplotlib. ' 'To install, run "pip install matplotlib".') self._ast = None self._scale = DEFAULT_SCALE * scale self._creg = [] self._qreg = [] self._registers(cregs, qregs) self._ops = ops self._qreg_dict = collections.OrderedDict() self._creg_dict = collections.OrderedDict() self._cond = { 'n_lines': 0, 'xmax': 0, 'ymax': 0, } ''' config = user_config.get_config() if config and (style is None): config_style = config.get('circuit_mpl_style', 'default') if config_style == 'default': self._style = DefaultStyle() elif config_style == 'Q1': self._style = BWStyle() elif style is False: self._style = BWStyle() else: self._style = DefaultStyle() ''' self._style = DefaultStyle()
[文档] self.plot_barriers = plot_barriers
[文档] self.reverse_bits = reverse_bits
[文档] self.layout = layout
[文档] self.layer_offset = 0.0
[文档] self.layer_offset_recode = []
''' if style: if isinstance(style, dict): self._style.set_style(style) elif isinstance(style, str): with open(style, 'r') as infile: dic = json.load(infile) self._style.set_style(dic) ''' if ax is None: self.return_fig = True self.figure = plt.figure() self.figure.patch.set_facecolor( = self.figure.add_subplot(111) else: self.return_fig = True = ax self.figure = ax.get_figure() '''else: self.return_fig = False = ax self.figure = ax.get_figure() '''
[文档] self.fold = fold
if self.fold < 2: self.fold = -1'off')'equal'), labeltop=False, labelleft=False, labelright=False)
[文档] self.x_offset = 0
def _registers(self, creg, qreg): self._creg = [] for r in creg: self._creg.append(r) self._qreg = [] for r in qreg: self._qreg.append(r) @property
[文档] def ast(self): return self._ast
def _custom_multiqubit_gate(self, xy, cxy=None, fc=None, wide=True, text=None, subtext=None): xpos = min([x[0] for x in xy]) ypos = min([y[1] for y in xy]) ypos_max = max([y[1] for y in xy]) if cxy: ypos = min([y[1] for y in cxy]) if wide: if subtext: boxes_length = round(max([len(text), len(subtext)]) / 7) or 1 else: boxes_length = math.ceil(len(text) / 7) or 1 boxes_length = 1 wid = WID * 2.5 * boxes_length else: wid = WID if fc: _fc = fc else: if != 'Q1': if self._style.gc != DefaultStyle().gc: _fc = self._style.gc else: _fc = self._style.dispcol['multi'] _ec = self._style.dispcol['multi'] else: _fc = self._style.gc qubit_span = abs(ypos) - abs(ypos_max) + 1 height = HIG + (qubit_span - 1) box = patches.Rectangle( xy=(xpos - 0.5 * wid, ypos - .5 * HIG), width=wid, height=height, fc=_fc, ec=self._style.dispcol['multi'], linewidth=1.5, zorder=PORDER_GATE) # Annotate inputs for bit, y in enumerate([x[1] for x in xy]): - 0.45 * wid, y, str(0-y), ha='left', va='center', fontsize=self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) if text: # If the string length is too long, # use '\n' and '...' disp_text = '' font_hight = self._style.fs *0.0351 text_hight = font_hight for i in range(len(text)): if i %5==0: disp_text +='\n' text_hight +=font_hight if text_hight >=height: disp_text+='...' break disp_text +=text[i] if subtext:, ypos + 0.4 * height, disp_text, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT), ypos + 0.2 * height, subtext, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=self._style.sfs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) else:, ypos + .5 * (qubit_span - 1), disp_text, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT, wrap=True) def _gate(self, xy, fc=None, wide=False, text=None, subtext=None): xpos, ypos = xy tmp_text = text if (text is not None) and (len(tmp_text) > 4) and (tmp_text[-4:] == '.dag'): tmp_text = tmp_text[:-4] if wide: if subtext: subtext_len = len(subtext) if '$\\pi$' in subtext: pi_count = subtext.count('pi') subtext_len = subtext_len - (4 * pi_count) boxes_wide = round(max(subtext_len, len(text)) / 10, 1) or 1 wid = WID * 1.5 * boxes_wide else: boxes_wide = round(len(text) / 10) or 1 wid = WID * 2.2 * boxes_wide if wid < WID: wid = WID else: wid = WID if fc: _fc = fc elif self._style.gc != DefaultStyle().gc: _fc = self._style.gc elif tmp_text and tmp_text in self._style.dispcol: _fc = self._style.dispcol[tmp_text] else: _fc = self._style.gc box = patches.Rectangle( xy=(xpos - 0.5 * wid, ypos - 0.5 * HIG), width=wid, height=HIG, fc=_fc, ec=self._style.edge_color, linewidth=1.5, zorder=PORDER_GATE) if text: font_size = self._style.fs sub_font_size = self._style.sfs # check if gate is not unitary if text in ['RESET']: disp_color = self._style.not_gate_lc sub_color = self._style.not_gate_lc font_size = self._style.math_fs else: disp_color = sub_color = if text in self._style.disptex: disp_text = "${}$".format(self._style.disptex[text]) else: disp_text = text if subtext:, ypos + 0.15 * HIG, disp_text, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=font_size, color=disp_color, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT), ypos - 0.3 * HIG, subtext, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=sub_font_size, color=sub_color, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) else:, ypos, disp_text, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=font_size, color=disp_color, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) def _subtext(self, xy, text): xpos, ypos = xy, ypos - 0.3 * HIG, text, ha='center', va='top', fontsize=self._style.sfs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) def _sidetext(self, xy, text): xpos, ypos = xy # 0.15 = the initial gap, each char means it needs to move # another 0.0375 over xp = xpos + 0.15 + (0.0375 * len(text)), ypos + HIG, text, ha='center', va='top', fontsize=self._style.sfs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) def _line(self, xy0, xy1, lc=None, ls=None, zorder=PORDER_LINE): x0, y0 = xy0 x1, y1 = xy1 if lc is None: linecolor = else: linecolor = lc if ls is None: linestyle = 'solid' else: linestyle = ls if linestyle == 'doublet': theta = np.arctan2(np.abs(x1 - x0), np.abs(y1 - y0)) dx = 0.05 * WID * np.cos(theta) dy = 0.05 * WID * np.sin(theta)[x0 + dx, x1 + dx], [y0 + dy, y1 + dy], color=linecolor, linewidth=2, linestyle='solid', zorder=zorder)[x0 - dx, x1 - dx], [y0 - dy, y1 - dy], color=linecolor, linewidth=2, linestyle='solid', zorder=zorder) else:[x0, x1], [y0, y1], color=linecolor, linewidth=2, linestyle=linestyle, zorder=zorder) def _reset(self, qxy): qx, qy = qxy self._gate(qxy, fc=self._style.dispcol['RESET']) # add measure symbol arc = patches.Arc(xy=(qx, qy - 0.15 * HIG), width=WID * 0.7, height=HIG * 0.7, theta1=0, theta2=180, fill=False, ec=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=2, zorder=PORDER_GATE)[qx, qx + 0.35 * WID], [qy - 0.15 * HIG, qy + 0.20 * HIG], color=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=2, zorder=PORDER_GATE) def _measure(self, qxy, cxy, cid): qx, qy = qxy cx, cy = cxy self._gate(qxy, fc=self._style.dispcol['meas']) # add measure symbol arc = patches.Arc(xy=(qx, qy - 0.15 * HIG), width=WID * 0.7, height=HIG * 0.7, theta1=0, theta2=180, fill=False, ec=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=2, zorder=PORDER_GATE)[qx, qx + 0.35 * WID], [qy - 0.15 * HIG, qy + 0.20 * HIG], color=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=2, zorder=PORDER_GATE) # arrow self._line(qxy, [cx, cy + 0.35 * WID],, ls=self._style.cline) arrowhead = patches.Polygon(((cx - 0.20 * WID, cy + 0.35 * WID), (cx + 0.20 * WID, cy + 0.35 * WID), (cx, cy)),, ec=None) # target if self._style.bundle: + .15, cy + .1, str(cid), ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=0.8 * self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) def _conds(self, xy, istrue=False): xpos, ypos = xy if istrue: _fc = else: _fc = self._style.gc box = patches.Circle(xy=(xpos, ypos), radius=WID * 0.15, fc=_fc,, linewidth=1.5, zorder=PORDER_GATE) def _ctrl_qubit(self, xy, fc=None, ec=None): if self._style.gc != DefaultStyle().gc: fc = self._style.gc ec = self._style.gc if fc is None: fc = if ec is None: ec = xpos, ypos = xy box = patches.Circle(xy=(xpos, ypos), radius=WID * 0.15, fc=fc, ec=ec, linewidth=1.5, zorder=PORDER_GATE)
[文档] def get_op_color(self, op_name): tmp_op_name = op_name if (tmp_op_name is not None) and (len(tmp_op_name) > 4) and (tmp_op_name[-4:] == '.dag'): tmp_op_name = tmp_op_name[:-4] if tmp_op_name in ['U1', 'U2', 'U3', 'U4', 'CU']: color_str = 'U4' elif tmp_op_name in ['X', 'Y', 'Z']: color_str = 'X' elif tmp_op_name in ['I']: color_str = 'I' elif tmp_op_name in ['X1', 'Y1', 'Z1', 'RX', 'RY', 'RZ', 'RPhi']: color_str = 'X1' elif tmp_op_name in ['CNOT', 'CPHASE', 'CZ']: color_str = 'CNOT' elif tmp_op_name in ['H', 'S', 'T']: color_str = 'H' elif tmp_op_name in ['SWAP', 'ISWAP', 'ISWAPTheta', 'SQISWAP']: color_str = 'SWAP' else: color_str = 'multi' return color_str
[文档] def set_multi_ctrl_bits(self, ctrl_state, num_ctrl_qubits, qbit, color_str): # convert op.ctrl_state to bit string and reverse cstate = "{0:b}".format(ctrl_state).rjust(num_ctrl_qubits, '0')[::-1] for i in range(num_ctrl_qubits): # Make facecolor of ctrl bit the box color if closed and bkgrnd if open fc_open_close = (self._style.dispcol[color_str] if cstate[i] == '1' else self._ctrl_qubit(qbit[i], fc=fc_open_close, ec=self._style.dispcol[color_str])
def _tgt_qubit(self, xy, fc=None, ec=None, ac=None, add_width=None): if self._style.gc != DefaultStyle().gc: fc = self._style.gc ec = self._style.gc if fc is None: fc = self._style.dispcol['target'] if ec is None: ec = if ac is None: ac = if add_width is None: add_width = 0.35 linewidth = 2 if self._style.dispcol['target'] == '#ffffff': add_width = self._style.colored_add_width xpos, ypos = xy box = patches.Circle(xy=(xpos, ypos), radius=HIG * 0.35, fc=fc, ec=ec, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=PORDER_GATE) # add '+' symbol[xpos, xpos], [ypos - add_width * HIG, ypos + add_width * HIG], color=ac, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=PORDER_GATE + 1)[xpos - add_width * HIG, xpos + add_width * HIG], [ypos, ypos], color=ac, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=PORDER_GATE + 1) def _swap(self, xy, color, fc=None, ec=None, ac=None, add_width=None): xpos, ypos = xy[xpos - 0.20 * WID, xpos + 0.20 * WID], [ypos - 0.20 * WID, ypos + 0.20 * WID], color=color, linewidth=2, zorder=PORDER_LINE + 1)[xpos - 0.20 * WID, xpos + 0.20 * WID], [ypos + 0.20 * WID, ypos - 0.20 * WID], color=color, linewidth=2, zorder=PORDER_LINE + 1) def _swap_gate(self, q_xy, gate_type, param, dagger, ctrl_qubits=0): font_size = self._style.sfs + 1 if gate_type == GateType.ISWAP_THETA_GATE: swap_sub_text = '{}'.format(param) #font_size = self._style.sfs elif gate_type == GateType.ISWAP_GATE: swap_sub_text = 'iSWAP' elif gate_type == GateType.SQISWAP_GATE: swap_sub_text = 'SqiSWAP' if dagger: if gate_type == GateType.ISWAP_THETA_GATE: if swap_sub_text[0] == '-': swap_sub_text = swap_sub_text[1:] else: swap_sub_text = '-' + swap_sub_text else: swap_sub_text = swap_sub_text + '.dag' if gate_type == GateType.ISWAP_THETA_GATE: swap_sub_text = "{}".format(swap_sub_text) else: swap_sub_text = "${}$".format(self._style.disptex[swap_sub_text]) self._iswap(q_xy[ctrl_qubits], self._style.dispcol['ISWAP'], fc=self._style.dispcol['ISWAP'], ec=self._style.dispcol['ISWAP'], subtext=swap_sub_text, font_size=font_size) self._iswap(q_xy[ctrl_qubits + 1], self._style.dispcol['ISWAP'], fc=self._style.dispcol['ISWAP'], ec=self._style.dispcol['ISWAP'], subtext=swap_sub_text, font_size=font_size) def _iswap(self, xy, color, subtext, fc=None, ec=None, ac=None, add_width=None, font_size=None): xpos, ypos = xy if self._style.gc != DefaultStyle().gc: fc = self._style.gc ec = self._style.gc if fc is None: fc = self._style.dispcol['target'] if ec is None: ec = if ac is None: ac = if add_width is None: add_width = 0.35 linewidth = 2 if self._style.dispcol['target'] == '#ffffff': add_width = self._style.colored_add_width box = patches.Circle(xy=(xpos, ypos), radius=HIG * 0.5, fc=fc, ec=ec, linewidth=linewidth, zorder=PORDER_GATE) arc_up = patches.Arc(xy=(xpos, ypos), width=WID * 0.8, height=HIG * 0.8, theta1=30, theta2=150, fill=False, ec=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=1.5, zorder=PORDER_GATE) arc_down = patches.Arc(xy=(xpos, ypos), width=WID * 0.8, height=HIG * 0.8, theta1=210, theta2=330, fill=False, ec=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=1.5, zorder=PORDER_GATE)[xpos - 0.22, xpos - 0.20], [ypos + 0.15, ypos + 0.22], color=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=1, zorder=PORDER_GATE)[xpos + 0.20, xpos + 0.22], [ypos - 0.22, ypos - 0.15], color=self._style.not_gate_lc, linewidth=1, zorder=PORDER_GATE) # angle if font_size == None: font_size = self._style.fs sub_color =, ypos-0.03, subtext, ha='center', va='center', fontsize=font_size, color=sub_color, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) def _barrier(self, config, anc): xys = config['coord'] group = config['group'] for xy in xys: xpos, ypos = xy [xpos, xpos], [ypos + 0.5, ypos - 0.5], linewidth=1, linestyle="dashed",, zorder=PORDER_TEXT, ) box = patches.Rectangle( xy=(xpos - (0.3 * WID), ypos - 0.5), width=0.6 * WID, height=1, fc=self._style.bc, ec=None, alpha=0.6, linewidth=1.5, zorder=PORDER_GRAY, ) def _linefeed_mark(self, xy): xpos, ypos = xy[xpos - .1, xpos - .1], [ypos, ypos - self._cond['n_lines'] + 1],, zorder=PORDER_LINE)[xpos + .1, xpos + .1], [ypos, ypos - self._cond['n_lines'] + 1],, zorder=PORDER_LINE)
[文档] def draw(self, filename=None, verbose=False): self._draw_regs() self._draw_ops(verbose) _xl = - self._style.margin[0] _xr = self._cond['xmax'] + self._style.margin[1] _yb = - self._cond['ymax'] - self._style.margin[2] + 1 - 0.5 _yt = self._style.margin[3] + 0.5, _xr), _yt) # update figure size fig_w = _xr - _xl fig_h = _yt - _yb if self._style.figwidth < 0.0: self._style.figwidth = fig_w * self._scale * self._style.fs / 72 / WID self.figure.set_size_inches( self._style.figwidth, self._style.figwidth * fig_h / fig_w) if filename: self.figure.savefig(filename, dpi=self._style.dpi, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close(self.figure) if self.return_fig: if get_backend() in ['module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline', 'nbAgg']: plt.close(self.figure) return self.figure
def _draw_regs(self): len_longest_label = 0 # quantum register for ii, reg in enumerate(self._qreg): if len(self._qreg) > 1: if self.layout is None: label = '${{{name}}}_{{{index}}}$'.format(name='q', index=reg) else: label = '${{{name}}}_{{{index}}} \\mapsto {{{physical}}}$'.format( name=self.layout[reg.index], index=self.layout[reg.index].index, physical=reg.index) else: label = '${{{name}}}_{{{index}}}$'.format(name='q', index=reg) if len(label) > len_longest_label: len_longest_label = len(label) pos = -ii self._qreg_dict[reg] = { 'y': pos, 'label': label, 'index': reg, 'group': my_qubit # 'group': reg.register } self._cond['n_lines'] += 1 # classical register if self._creg: n_creg = self._creg.copy() n_creg.pop(0) idx = 0 y_off = -len(self._qreg) for ii, (reg, nreg) in enumerate(itertools.zip_longest( self._creg, n_creg)): pos = y_off - idx if self._style.bundle: label = '${}$'.format('c') self._creg_dict[ii] = { 'y': pos, 'label': label, 'index': reg, 'group': my_cbit # 'group': reg.register } if (reg != nreg and nreg): continue else: label = '${}_{{{}}}$'.format('c', reg) self._creg_dict[ii] = { 'y': pos, 'label': label, 'index': reg, 'group': my_cbit # 'group': reg.register } if len(label) > len_longest_label: len_longest_label = len(label) self._cond['n_lines'] += 1 idx += 1 # 7 is the length of the smallest possible label self.x_offset = -.5 + 0.18 * (len_longest_label - 7) def _draw_regs_sub(self, n_fold, feedline_l=False, feedline_r=False): if n_fold < len(self.layer_offset_recode): #self._cond['xmax'] = self.fold + self.x_offset + 1 - 0.1 + self.layer_offset_recode[n_fold] + 1.5 self._cond['xmax'] = 30.5 # quantum register for qreg in self._qreg_dict.values(): if n_fold == 0: label = qreg['label'] else: label = qreg['label'] y = qreg['y'] - n_fold * (self._cond['n_lines'] + 1) - 0.2, y, label, ha='right', va='center', fontsize=1.25 * self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) self._line([self.x_offset + 0.2, y], [self._cond['xmax'], y], zorder=PORDER_REGLINE) self._line([self.x_offset + 1.6, y], [self._cond['xmax'] + 1, y], zorder=PORDER_REGLINE) # classical register this_creg_dict = {} for creg in self._creg_dict.values(): if n_fold == 0: label = creg['label'] else: label = creg['label'] y = creg['y'] - n_fold * (self._cond['n_lines'] + 1) if y not in this_creg_dict.keys(): this_creg_dict[y] = {'val': 1, 'label': label} else: this_creg_dict[y]['val'] += 1 for y, this_creg in this_creg_dict.items(): # bundle if this_creg['val'] > 1:[self.x_offset + 0.4, self.x_offset + 0.5], [y - .1, y + .1],, zorder=PORDER_LINE) ''' + 1.0, y + .1, str(this_creg['val']), ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=0.8 * self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) ''' + 0.4, y + .1, str(this_creg['val']), ha='left', va='bottom', fontsize=0.8 * self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) - 0.2, y, this_creg['label'], ha='right', va='center', fontsize=1.5 * self._style.fs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) self._line([self.x_offset + 0.2, y], [self._cond['xmax'], y],, ls=self._style.cline, zorder=PORDER_REGLINE) self._line([self.x_offset + 1.5, y], [self._cond['xmax'] + 2, y],, ls=self._style.cline, zorder=PORDER_REGLINE) # lf line if feedline_r: #self._linefeed_mark((self.fold + self.x_offset + 1 - 0.1 + self.layer_offset_recode[n_fold], # - n_fold * (self._cond['n_lines'] + 1))) self._linefeed_mark((self._cond['xmax'], - n_fold * (self._cond['n_lines'] + 1))) if feedline_l: self._linefeed_mark((self.x_offset + 0.3, - n_fold * (self._cond['n_lines'] + 1))) def _rzz(self, qxy, param, qreg_b, qreg_t): color = self._style.dispcol['multi'] self._ctrl_qubit(qxy[0], fc=color, ec=color) self._ctrl_qubit(qxy[1], fc=color, ec=color) self._sidetext(qreg_b, text='zz({})'.format(param)) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=color) def _cu1(self, qxy, param, qreg_b, qreg_t): color = self._style.dispcol['multi'] self._ctrl_qubit(qxy[0], fc=color, ec=color) self._ctrl_qubit(qxy[1], fc=color, ec=color) self._sidetext(qreg_b, text='U1 ({})'.format(param)) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=color) def _cnot(self, q_xy, qreg_b, qreg_t, num_ctrl_qubits=1): if self._style.dispcol['CNOT'] != '#ffffff': add_width = self._style.colored_add_width else: add_width = None # if 0 == num_ctrl_qubits: # self.set_multi_ctrl_bits(1, num_ctrl_qubits, q_xy, 'CNOT') # else: # self.set_multi_ctrl_bits((2**num_ctrl_qubits) - 1, num_ctrl_qubits, q_xy, 'CNOT') self.set_multi_ctrl_bits( (2**num_ctrl_qubits) - 1, num_ctrl_qubits, q_xy, 'CNOT') if != 'Q1': self._tgt_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], fc=self._style.dispcol['CNOT'], ec=self._style.dispcol['CNOT'], ac=self._style.dispcol['target'], add_width=add_width) else: self._tgt_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], fc=self._style.dispcol['target'], ec=self._style.dispcol['CNOT'], ac=self._style.dispcol['CNOT'], add_width=add_width) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol['CNOT']) def _cz(self, q_xy, qreg_b, qreg_t): disp = 'CZ' if != 'Q1': color = self._style.dispcol['CZ'] self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[0], fc=color, ec=color) self._gate(q_xy[1], wide=False, text=disp, fc=color) else: self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[0]) self._gate(q_xy[1], wide=False, text=disp, fc=color) # add qubit-qubit wiring if != 'Q1': self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=color) else: self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, zorder=PORDER_LINE + 1) def _draw_ops(self, verbose=False): _wide_gate = [GateType.RX_GATE, GateType.RY_GATE, GateType.RZ_GATE, GateType.U1_GATE, GateType.U2_GATE, GateType.U3_GATE, GateType.U4_GATE, GateType.CU_GATE, GateType.CPHASE_GATE, GateType.ISWAP_THETA_GATE, GateType.U3_GATE, GateType.U4_GATE, GateType.CU_GATE, GateType.CPHASE_GATE, GateType.ISWAP_THETA_GATE, GateType.RXX_GATE, GateType.RYY_GATE, GateType.RZZ_GATE, GateType.RZX_GATE, GateType.RPHI_GATE] _barriers = {'coord': [], 'group': []} # # generate coordinate manager # q_anchors = {} for key, qreg in self._qreg_dict.items(): key = qreg['index'] q_anchors[key] = Anchor(reg_num=self._cond['n_lines'], yind=qreg['y'], fold=self.fold) c_anchors = {} for key, creg in self._creg_dict.items(): c_anchors[key] = Anchor(reg_num=self._cond['n_lines'], yind=creg['y'], fold=self.fold) # # draw gates # n_fold = 0 my_offset = 0.0 prev_anc = -1 for layer in self._ops: layer_width = 1 my_offset_tmp = 0.0 occupied_qubits = [] for op in layer: # If one of the standard wide gates if op.m_gate_type in _wide_gate: if layer_width < 2: layer_width = 2 if int(op.m_gate_type) >= 0: param = self.param_parse(op.m_params) if '$\\pi$' in param: pi_count = param.count('pi') len_param = len(param) - (4 * pi_count) else: len_param = len(param) if len_param > len(op.m_name): box_width = math.floor(len(param) / 10) + 0.25 #box_width = math.ceil(len(param) / 10) if op.m_name == 'unitary': box_width = 2 # If more than 4 characters min width is 2 if box_width <= 1: box_width = 2 if layer_width < box_width: if box_width > 2: layer_width = box_width else: layer_width = 2 continue # If custom ControlledGate elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.RPHI_GATE, GateType.CPHASE_GATE]: # if op.type == 'op' and hasattr(op.op, 'params'): if int(op.m_gate_type) >= 0 and len(op.m_params) > 0: param = self.param_parse(op.m_params) if '$\\pi$' in param: pi_count = param.count('pi') len_param = len(param) - (4 * pi_count) else: len_param = len(param) if len_param > len(op.m_name): box_width = math.floor(len_param / 5.5) layer_width = box_width continue # if custom gate with a longer than standard name determine # width ''' elif op.m_gate_type not in [34, 26, -1, -2] and len(op.m_name) >= 4: box_width = math.ceil(len(op.m_name) / 6) # handle params/subtext longer than op names if op.type == 'op' and hasattr(op.op, 'params'): param = self.param_parse(op.op.params) if '$\\pi$' in param: pi_count = param.count('pi') len_param = len(param) - (4 * pi_count) else: len_param = len(param) if len_param > len(op.m_name): box_width = math.floor(len(param) / 8) # If more than 4 characters min width is 2 if box_width <= 1: box_width = 2 if layer_width < box_width: if box_width > 2: layer_width = box_width * 2 else: layer_width = 2 continue # If more than 4 characters min width is 2 layer_width = math.ceil(box_width * WID * 2.5) ''' this_anc = prev_anc + 1 cur_layer_max_x_pos = 0.0 for op in layer: _iswide = op.m_gate_type in _wide_gate # if op.m_gate_type not in [34, 26, -1, -2]: # _iswide = True # get qreg index q_idxs = [] for qarg in (op.m_control_qubits.to_list()): for index, reg in self._qreg_dict.items(): qubit_index = qarg.get_phy_addr() if (reg['index'] == qubit_index): q_idxs.append(qubit_index) break for qarg in op.m_target_qubits.to_list(): for index, reg in self._qreg_dict.items(): qubit_index = qarg.get_phy_addr() if (reg['index'] == qubit_index): q_idxs.append(qubit_index) break # get creg index c_idxs = [] for carg in op.m_cbits: for index, reg in self._creg_dict.items(): if (reg['index'] == carg): c_idxs.append(index) break # Only add the gate to the anchors if it is going to be plotted. # This prevents additional blank wires at the end of the line if # the last instruction is a barrier type if self.plot_barriers or \ op.m_gate_type not in [GateType.BARRIER_GATE]: for ii in q_idxs: q_anchors[ii].set_index(this_anc, layer_width) # append new occupied-qubit list = q_idxs lmin = min(list) lmax = max(list) + 1 if op.m_node_type == NodeType.MEASURE_GATE: lmax = len(q_anchors) if op.m_gate_type in [GateType.ORACLE_GATE, GateType.TWO_QUBIT_GATE]: layer_width = 2 for hh in range(lmin, lmax): if hh in occupied_qubits: my_offset_tmp += 0.9*layer_width my_offset += my_offset_tmp break for q in range(lmin, lmax): occupied_qubits += [q] # if op.m_node_type == NodeType.MEASURE_GATE: # lmax = len(q_anchors) # for q in range(lmin,lmax): # occupied_qubits += [q] # for ii in q_idxs: # if q_anchors[ii].b_fold: # my_offset_tmp = 0.0 # self.layer_offset = 0.0 # q_anchors[ii].b_fold = False # break # qreg coordinate q_xy = [q_anchors[ii].plot_coord(this_anc, layer_width, self.x_offset + my_offset_tmp, self.layer_offset, q_anchors[ii].last_h_pos) for ii in q_idxs] if len(q_xy) > 0: x0, y0 = q_xy[0] if x0 > cur_layer_max_x_pos: cur_layer_max_x_pos = x0 # for ii in range(0, len(q_anchors)): # q_anchors[ii].last_h_pos = x0 # for index, reg in self._creg_dict.items(): # c_anchors[index].update_fold_info(this_anc, layer_width, self.x_offset + my_offset_tmp, self.layer_offset) # creg coordinate c_xy = [c_anchors[ii].plot_coord(this_anc, layer_width, self.x_offset + my_offset_tmp, self.layer_offset, c_anchors[ii].last_h_pos) for ii in c_idxs] # if len(c_xy) > 0: # x0, y0 = c_xy[0] # for ii in range(0, len(c_anchors)): # c_anchors[ii].last_h_pos = x0 # tmp_b_first_time = True # for ii in q_anchors: # if q_anchors[ii].b_fold: # if tmp_b_first_time: # tmp_b_first_time = False # self.layer_offset_recode.append(self.layer_offset) # self.layer_offset = 0.0 # q_anchors[ii].b_fold = False # bottom and top point of qreg qreg_b = min(q_xy, key=lambda xy: xy[1]) qreg_t = max(q_xy, key=lambda xy: xy[1]) # update index based on the value from plotting this_anc = q_anchors[q_idxs[0]].gate_anchor # if verbose: # print(op) if int(op.m_gate_type) >= 0 and len(op.m_params) > 0: param = self.param_parse(op.m_params) else: param = None # conditional gate ''' if op.condition: c_xy = [c_anchors[ii].plot_coord(this_anc, layer_width, self.x_offset) for ii in self._creg_dict] mask = 0 for index, cbit in enumerate(self._creg): if cbit.register == op.condition[0]: mask |= (1 << index) val = op.condition[1] # cbit list to consider fmt_c = '{{:0{}b}}'.format(len(c_xy)) cmask = list(fmt_c.format(mask))[::-1] # value fmt_v = '{{:0{}b}}'.format(cmask.count('1')) vlist = list(fmt_v.format(val))[::-1] # plot conditionals v_ind = 0 xy_plot = [] for xy, m in zip(c_xy, cmask): if m == '1': if xy not in xy_plot: if vlist[v_ind] == '1' or self._style.bundle: self._conds(xy, istrue=True) else: self._conds(xy, istrue=False) xy_plot.append(xy) v_ind += 1 creg_b = sorted(xy_plot, key=lambda xy: xy[1])[0] self._subtext(creg_b, hex(val)) self._line(qreg_t, creg_b,, ls=self._style.cline) ''' # # draw special gates # if op.m_node_type == NodeType.MEASURE_GATE: vv = self._creg_dict[c_idxs[0]]['index'] self._measure(q_xy[0], c_xy[0], vv) #this_anc = this_anc + 1 elif op.m_node_type == NodeType.RESET_NODE: self._gate(q_xy[0], text='RESET') elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.BARRIER_GATE]: _barriers = {'coord': [], 'group': []} for index, qbit in enumerate(q_idxs): q_group = self._qreg_dict[qbit]['group'] if q_group not in _barriers['group']: _barriers['group'].append(q_group) _barriers['coord'].append(q_xy[index]) if self.plot_barriers: self._barrier(_barriers, this_anc) elif len(op.m_control_qubits.to_list()) > 0: disp = op.m_name num_ctrl_qubits = len(op.m_control_qubits.to_list()) num_qargs = len(q_xy) - num_ctrl_qubits # set the ctrl qbits to open or closed color_str = self.get_op_color(op.m_name) self.set_multi_ctrl_bits( (2**num_ctrl_qubits) - 1, num_ctrl_qubits, q_xy, color_str) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol[color_str]) if num_qargs == 1: if param: self._gate(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], wide=_iswide, text=disp, fc=self._style.dispcol[color_str], subtext='{}'.format(param)) else: fcx = op.m_name if op.m_name in self._style.dispcol else 'multi' self._gate(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], wide=_iswide, text=disp, fc=self._style.dispcol[fcx]) elif num_qargs == 2: # CNOT if op.m_gate_type == GateType.CNOT_GATE: #self._cnot(q_xy, qreg_b, qreg_t, num_ctrl_qubits+1) color = self._style.dispcol['CNOT'] if != 'Q1': self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=color) else: self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, zorder=PORDER_LINE + 1) cx_xy = q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits:] self._cnot(cx_xy, qreg_b, qreg_t) # cz for latexmode elif op.m_gate_type == GateType.CZ_GATE: disp = op.m_name if != 'Q1': color = self._style.dispcol['CZ'] self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], fc=color, ec=color) self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits + 1], fc=color, ec=color) else: self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits]) self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits + 1]) # add qubit-qubit wiring if != 'Q1': self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=color) else: self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, zorder=PORDER_LINE + 1) cz_xy = q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits:] self._cz(cz_xy, qreg_b, qreg_t) # control gate elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.CU_GATE, GateType.CPHASE_GATE]: disp = op.m_name color = None if != 'Q1': if op.m_name == 'CPHASE': color = self._style.dispcol['CPHASE'] else: color = self._style.dispcol['U4'] self._ctrl_qubit( q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], fc=color, ec=color) if param: self._gate(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits + 1], wide=_iswide, text=disp, fc=color, subtext='{}'.format(param)) else: self._gate(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits + 1], wide=_iswide, text=disp, fc=color) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=color) # swap gate elif op.m_gate_type == GateType.SWAP_GATE: self._swap(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], self._style.dispcol['SWAP']) self._swap(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits + 1], self._style.dispcol['SWAP']) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol['SWAP']) # iswap gate elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.ISWAP_THETA_GATE, GateType.ISWAP_GATE, GateType.SQISWAP_GATE]: self._swap_gate( q_xy, op.m_gate_type, param, op.m_is_dagger, ctrl_qubits=num_ctrl_qubits) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol['ISWAP']) # self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=_iswide, # fc=self._style.dispcol[op.m_name], # text=op.m_name) # Custom gate elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.RXX_GATE, GateType.RYY_GATE, GateType.RZZ_GATE, GateType.RZX_GATE]: self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=True, text=op.m_gate_type, subtext=f"{param}") else: self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=True, text='Unitary') else: self._custom_multiqubit_gate( q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits:], wide=True, fc=self._style.dispcol['Unitary'], text=disp) # # draw single qubit gates # elif len(q_xy) == 1: disp = op.m_name if param: self._gate(q_xy[0], wide=_iswide, text=disp, subtext=str(param)) else: self._gate(q_xy[0], wide=_iswide, text=disp) # # draw multi-qubit gates (n=2) # elif len(q_xy) == 2: # CNOT if op.m_gate_type == GateType.CNOT_GATE: self._cnot(q_xy, qreg_b, qreg_t, 1) # cz for latexmode elif op.m_gate_type == GateType.CZ_GATE: self._cz(q_xy, qreg_b, qreg_t) # control gate elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.CU_GATE, GateType.CPHASE_GATE]: disp = op.m_name color = None if != 'Q1': if op.m_name == 'CPHASE': color = self._style.dispcol['CPHASE'] else: color = self._style.dispcol['U4'] self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[0], fc=color, ec=color) if param: self._gate(q_xy[1], wide=_iswide, text=disp, fc=color, subtext='{}'.format(param)) else: self._gate(q_xy[1], wide=_iswide, text=disp, fc=color) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=color) # swap gate elif op.m_gate_type == GateType.SWAP_GATE: self._swap(q_xy[0], self._style.dispcol['SWAP']) self._swap(q_xy[1], self._style.dispcol['SWAP']) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol['SWAP']) # iswap gate elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.ISWAP_THETA_GATE, GateType.ISWAP_GATE, GateType.SQISWAP_GATE]: self._swap_gate(q_xy, op.m_gate_type, param, op.m_is_dagger) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol['ISWAP']) # Custom gate elif op.m_gate_type in [GateType.RXX_GATE, GateType.RYY_GATE, GateType.RZZ_GATE, GateType.RZX_GATE]: disp = op.m_name self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=True, text=disp, subtext=str(param)) else: self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=True, text='Unitary') # # draw multi-qubit gates (n=3) # elif op.m_gate_type == GateType.ORACLE_GATE: self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=True, text=op.m_name) elif len(q_xy) in range(3, 6): # Unitary self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=True, text='Unitary') ''' if op.m_name == 'cswap': self._ctrl_qubit(q_xy[0], fc=self._style.dispcol['multi'], ec=self._style.dispcol['multi']) self._swap(q_xy[1], self._style.dispcol['multi']) self._swap(q_xy[2], self._style.dispcol['multi']) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol['multi']) # ccx gate elif op.m_name == 'ccx' or op.m_name == 'c3x' or op.m_name == 'c4x': num_ctrl_qubits = op.op.num_ctrl_qubits # set the ctrl qbits to open or closed self.set_multi_ctrl_bits(op.op.ctrl_state, num_ctrl_qubits, q_xy, 'multi') if != 'Q1': self._tgt_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], fc=self._style.dispcol['multi'], ec=self._style.dispcol['multi'], ac=self._style.dispcol['target']) else: self._tgt_qubit(q_xy[num_ctrl_qubits], fc=self._style.dispcol['target'], ec=self._style.dispcol['multi'], ac=self._style.dispcol['multi']) # add qubit-qubit wiring self._line(qreg_b, qreg_t, lc=self._style.dispcol['multi']) # custom gate else: self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=_iswide, text=getattr(op.op, 'label', None) or op.m_name) ''' # draw custom multi-qubit gate elif len(q_xy) > 5: self._custom_multiqubit_gate(q_xy, c_xy, wide=True, text='Unitary') else: print('Invalid gate %s', op.m_name) # layer end tmp_b_first_time = True cur_fold = 0 cur_fold_cnt = 0 bb_fold = False for ii in q_anchors: if q_anchors[ii].b_fold: if tmp_b_first_time: tmp_b_first_time = False self.layer_offset_recode.append(self.layer_offset) self.layer_offset = 0.0 n_fold += 1 cur_fold, cur_fold_cnt = q_anchors[ii].get_fold_info() bb_fold = True q_anchors[ii].b_fold = False if bb_fold: for index, reg in self._qreg_dict.items(): q_anchors[index].set_fold_info(cur_fold, cur_fold_cnt) for index, reg in self._creg_dict.items(): c_anchors[index].set_fold_info(cur_fold, cur_fold_cnt) c_anchors[index].b_fold = False # c_anchors[index].update_fold_info(this_anc, layer_width, self.x_offset + my_offset_tmp, self.layer_offset) self.layer_offset += my_offset_tmp # for ii in range(0, len(q_anchors)): for ii in (q_anchors): q_anchors[ii].last_h_pos = cur_layer_max_x_pos # for ii in range(0, len(c_anchors)): for ii in (c_anchors): c_anchors[ii].last_h_pos = cur_layer_max_x_pos # layer end # tmp_b_first_time = True # for ii in q_anchors: # if q_anchors[ii].b_fold: # # my_offset_tmp = 0.0 # if tmp_b_first_time: # tmp_b_first_time = False # # self.layer_offset_recode.append(self.layer_offset) # # self.layer_offset = 0.0 # q_anchors[ii].b_fold = False # # break # adjust the column if there have been barriers encountered, but not plotted barrier_offset = 0 if not self.plot_barriers: # only adjust if everything in the layer wasn't plotted barrier_offset = -1 if all([op.m_gate_type in [GateType.BARRIER_GATE] for op in layer]) else 0 prev_anc = this_anc + layer_width + barrier_offset - 1 # # adjust window size and draw horizontal lines # anchors = [q_anchors[ii].get_index() for ii in self._qreg_dict] if anchors: max_anc = max(anchors) else: max_anc = 0 # n_fold = max(0, max_anc - 1) // self.fold # window size if max_anc > self.fold > 0: if max_anc > 20 > 0: self._cond['xmax'] = self.fold + 1 + self.x_offset + my_offset #self._cond['xmax'] = 30.0 self._cond['ymax'] = (n_fold + 1) * (self._cond['n_lines'] + 1) - 1 else: self._cond['xmax'] = max_anc + 1 + self.x_offset + my_offset self._cond['ymax'] = self._cond['n_lines'] # add horizontal lines for ii in range(n_fold + 1): feedline_r = (n_fold > 0 and n_fold > ii) feedline_l = (ii > 0) self._draw_regs_sub(ii, feedline_l, feedline_r) # draw gate number if self._style.index: for ii in range(max_anc): if self.fold > 0: x_coord = ii % self.fold + 1 y_coord = - (ii // self.fold) * \ (self._cond['n_lines'] + 1) + 0.7 else: x_coord = ii + 1 y_coord = 0.7, y_coord, str(ii + 1), ha='center', va='center', fontsize=self._style.sfs,, clip_on=True, zorder=PORDER_TEXT) @staticmethod
[文档] def param_parse(v): # create an empty list to store the parameters in param_parts = [None] * len(v) for i, e in enumerate(v): try: param_parts[i] = pi_check(e, output='mpl', ndigits=3) except TypeError: param_parts[i] = str(e) if param_parts[i].startswith('-'): param_parts[i] = '$-$' + param_parts[i][1:] param_parts = ', '.join(param_parts) return param_parts
[文档] def format_numeric(val, tol=1e-5): if isinstance(val, complex): return str(val) elif complex(val).imag != 0: val = complex(val) abs_val = abs(val) if math.isclose(abs_val, 0.0, abs_tol=1e-100): return '0' if math.isclose(math.fmod(abs_val, 1.0), 0.0, abs_tol=tol) and 0.5 < abs_val < 9999.5: return str(int(val)) if 0.1 <= abs_val < 100.0: return '{:.2f}'.format(val) return '{:.1e}'.format(val)
[文档] def fraction(val, base=np.pi, n=100, tol=1e-5): abs_val = abs(val) for i in range(1, n): for j in range(1, n): if math.isclose(abs_val, i / j * base, rel_tol=tol): if val < 0: i *= -1 return fractions.Fraction(i, j) return None