pyqpanda.Visualization.draw_probability_map 源代码

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl


[文档] def draw_probability(list): """ Generate a bar plot visualizing the probabilities of a quantum state. The function takes a dictionary containing quantum state keys and their corresponding probabilities, normalizes the probabilities, and plots them using a bar chart. Args: probability_dict (dict): A dictionary where keys represent the quantum states and values represent their respective probabilities. Returns: None: This function does not return a value. It plots the probabilities directly. Notes: The bar plot uses the Chinese font 'SimHei' and ensures that negative symbols are not displayed in the axes. The x-axis represents the quantum states, while the y-axis represents the probabilities. The function includes a grid on the y-axis for better readability. """ mpl.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = ["SimHei"] mpl.rcParams["axes.unicode_minus"] = False x = [key for key in list.keys()] y = [val for val in list.values()] y1 = [val/sum(y) for val in list.values()], y1, align="center", color="b", alpha=0.6) plt.ylabel("Probabilities") plt.grid(True, axis="y", ls=":", color="r", alpha=0.3)
[文档] def draw_probability_dict(prob_dict): """ Generate a bar plot representing the probabilities of a quantum state from a given dictionary. Args: prob_dict (dict): A dictionary where keys are quantum state labels and values are their corresponding probabilities. Returns: None: This function does not return a value; it displays a bar plot. The function configures Matplotlib to use SimHei font for better readability in Chinese characters. It filters out non-positive probabilities, calculates normalized probabilities, and then plots them as a bar chart. The plot includes a grid and labeled axes for clarity. This utility is intended for use within the pyQPanda package, which is designed for programming quantum computers. """ mpl.rcParams["font.sans-serif"] = ["SimHei"] mpl.rcParams["axes.unicode_minus"] = False x = [item[0] for item in prob_dict.items() if item[1] > 0.] y = [item[1] for item in prob_dict.items() if item[1] > 0.] y1 = [val/sum(y) for val in y], y1, align="center", color="b", alpha=0.6) plt.ylabel("Probabilities", fontsize=18) plt.grid(True, axis="y", ls=":", color="r", alpha=0.3) plt.yticks(size=15) plt.xticks(size=15)