pyqpanda.Visualization.circuit_draw 源代码

from pyqpanda import circuit_layer
from pyqpanda import draw_qprog_text
from pyqpanda import draw_qprog_latex
from pyqpanda import fit_to_gbk
from pyqpanda import count_prog_info
from .matplotlib_draw import *

[文档] def draw_circuit_pic(prog, pic_name, scale = 0.7,verbose=False,fold = 30): layer_info = circuit_layer(prog) qcd = MatplotlibDrawer( qregs=layer_info[1], cregs=layer_info[2], ops=layer_info[0], scale = scale,fold = fold) qcd.draw(pic_name, verbose)
[文档] def draw_qprog(prog, output=None, scale=0.7, fold =30, filename=None, with_logo=False, line_length=100, NodeIter_first=None, NodeIter_second=None, console_encode_type='utf8'): """Draw a quantum circuit to different formats (set by output parameter): **text**: ASCII art TextDrawing that can be printed in the console. **text**: ASCII art TextDrawing that can be printed in the console. **pic**: images with color rendered purely in Python. **latex**: latex source code of circuit Args: prog : the quantum circuit to draw scale (float): scale of image to draw (shrink if < 1). Only used by the ``pic`` outputs. flod (int): x_max_size of image to draw. dOnly used by the ``pic`` outputs. Default is 30. filename (str): file path to save image to NodeIter_first: circuit printing start position. NodeIter_second: circuit printing end position. console_encode_type(str): Target console encoding type. Mismatching of encoding types may result in character confusion, 'utf8' and 'gbk' are supported. Only used by the ``pic`` outputs. line_length (int): Sets the length of the lines generated by `text` output type. Returns: no return """ default_output = 'text' if output is None: output = default_output text_pic = 'null' if output == 'pic': if filename is None: filename = 'QCircuit_pic.jpg' draw_circuit_pic(prog,filename,scale,fold = fold) elif output == 'text': if filename is None: filename = '' if NodeIter_first is None and NodeIter_second is None: text_pic = draw_qprog_text(prog, line_length, filename) elif NodeIter_first is None: text_pic = draw_qprog_text( prog, line_length, filename, prog.begin(), NodeIter_second) elif NodeIter_second is None: text_pic = draw_qprog_text( prog, line_length, filename, NodeIter_first, prog.end()) if console_encode_type == 'gbk': text_pic = fit_to_gbk(text_pic) # print(text_pic) elif output == 'latex': if filename is None: filename = 'QCircuit_latex.tex' if NodeIter_first is None and NodeIter_second is None: text_pic = draw_qprog_latex( prog, line_length, filename, with_logo) elif NodeIter_first is None: text_pic = draw_qprog_latex( prog, line_length, filename, with_logo, prog.begin(), NodeIter_second) elif NodeIter_second is None: text_pic = draw_qprog_latex( prog, line_length, filename, with_logo, NodeIter_first, prog.end()) return text_pic
[文档] def show_prog_info_count(prog): info_count = count_prog_info(prog) labels_node = ['Single Gate Node', 'Double Gate Node', 'Multi Control Gate Node', 'Other Nodes'] sizes_node = [info_count.single_gate_num, info_count.double_gate_num, info_count.multi_control_gate_num, info_count.node_num - info_count.single_gate_num - info_count.double_gate_num - info_count.multi_control_gate_num] labels_layer = ['Single Gate Layer', 'Double Gate Layer', 'Other Layers'] sizes_layer = [info_count.single_gate_layer_num, info_count.double_gate_layer_num, info_count.layer_num - info_count.single_gate_layer_num - info_count.double_gate_layer_num] fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, figsize=(6, 8)) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2) total_node_num = info_count.node_num wedges_node, texts_node, autotexts_node = axes[0].pie(sizes_node, labels=labels_node, autopct='%.1f%%', startangle=140, wedgeprops={'linewidth': 1, 'edgecolor': 'white'}) axes[0].set_title(f'Total Nodes Distribution (Total Nodes: {total_node_num})', fontsize=14) axes[0].set_aspect('equal') for i, (label, size) in enumerate(zip(labels_node, sizes_node)): texts_node[i].set_text(f'{label} ({size})') total_layer_num = info_count.layer_num wedges_layer, texts_layer, autotexts_layer = axes[1].pie(sizes_layer, labels=labels_layer, autopct='%.1f%%', startangle=140, wedgeprops={'linewidth': 1, 'edgecolor': 'white'}) axes[1].set_title(f'Total Layers Distribution (Total Layers: {total_layer_num})', fontsize=14) axes[1].set_aspect('equal') for i, (label, size) in enumerate(zip(labels_layer, sizes_layer)): texts_layer[i].set_text(f'{label} ({size})')